
HTML and Silverlight are Friends with Benefits


For those of you who are still wondering about where Silverlight stands in the face of Microsoft’s increasing support for HTML5, I point you to this video which I recorded earlier this year: HTML5 and RIAs: Friends with Benefits. Bow-chicka-wah-wah!!!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.


HTML5 and RIAs: Friends with Benefits!

Earlier this week, I was asked to make a short video that would be shown during a round table discussion on a hot topic: HTML5 vs. proprietary rich internet app technologies, such as Flash and Silverlight. My video was supposed to take the “RIAs complement HTML” side of the debate, while someone else would produce a video taking the “HTML5 trumps RIAs” side.

My own personal belief is that HTML5 – actually the stack of HTML5, CSS3 and Java/ECMAScript – has closed the interactivity gap between the web and desktop apps and will continue to close it. However, for the time being, there are still cases where HTML5 just can’t cut it – for various reasons, such as performance, browser compatibility or designer-friendliness – and that’s where RIAs shine. Hence I found it rather easy to put together an amusing little video titled HTML5 and RIAs: Friends with Benefits (5:47, YouTube).

I did the production work on Tuesday afternoon and evening using the following tools:

Enjoy the video!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.