
Ruby Stuff: IronRuby 1.0, IronRuby Reading and a Ruby Job Fair

Hello, IronRuby 1.0!

ironrubyAlthough it’s been out for the past couple of weeks and might be considered old news, I couldn’t let it pass unmentioned, especially given my history with the Ruby programming language: IronRuby 1.0 has been released!

IronRuby is an implementation of Ruby targeting the .NET Framework and built on Microsoft’s Dynamic Language Runtime, which in turn runs on top of the Common Language Runtime. Version 1.0 is compatible with Ruby 1.8.6; future releases will aim for compatibility with Ruby 1.9.

You can use IronRuby 1.0 to build these sorts of applications:

  • Desktop applications using WPF
  • Desktop, in-browser rich internet applications and Windows Phone applications using Silverlight
  • Ruby on Rails applications (up to Rails version 2.3.5)
  • Good ol’ command-line applications
  • and of course, the REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop) goodness of irb

As of version 1.0, IronRuby comes in two flavors:

  • The one that runs on top of .NET 4.0. The .NET 4.0 framework is the latest version and was released with Visual Studio a couple of weeks ago (you can download it for free here). This is the preferred version, and features goodies such as:
    • Faster startup
    • Compatibility with C#’s dynamic keyword
    • Access to all the new features in the .NET 4.0 framework
  • The one that runs on any earlier .NET, starting with 2.0 SP1. For compatibility with earlier versions of .NET as well as with Mono, you’ll want to use this version.

IronRuby is free in both senses of the word:

  • Free as in beer. It costs nothing – just download it and use it!
  • Free as in speech. It’s open source software, released under the Microsoft Permissive Licence, which is recognized by the Open Source Initiative.

Download icon You can download IronRuby 1.0 from the IronRuby site on Microsoft’s CodePlex site.

Ruby and IronRuby Reading

programming ruby

Programming Ruby, a.k.a. “The Pickaxe Book”, is on every serious Rubyist’s shelf. It’s both a good introduction to the language and a pretty decent reference.

poignant guide foxes

why’s (poignant) guide to ruby isn’t a complete guide to Ruby, nor is it your typical programming book. It’s free, online, the most whimsical programming book you’ll ever read, and it’s been the driving force behind a lot of dynamism and creativity of the Ruby community.

ironruby unleashed

The newly-released IronRuby Unleashed covers both the Ruby programming language, the IronRuby implementation and using IronRuby to mix Ruby and .NET into a Reese peanut butter cup of developer goodness.

Ruby Job Fair 2010

Last year, I attended and wrote about employment.nil?, the Ruby job fair held by Toronto software development shop Unspace. They’re doing it again this year with a different format. Where last year’s was modelled after a science fair (the kind you remember from high school), this year’s is going to be modelled after “speed dating” and will feature 5-minute chats between people looking for work and people looking to hire.

To reflect the new format and pay homage to the Ruby-style naming of the first event, they’re calling it require ‘date’. The job fair will take place in Toronto on Sunday, May 30th in the back room of the Rivoli (334 Queen Street West, just east of Spadina) from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.. It will be followed from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with OMGRPNBBQ, a special barbecue party edition of Ruby Pub Nite held at Unspace’s office and rooftop deck (342 Queen Street West, a few doors over from the Rivoli).

  • If you’re looking to hire people or looking for a job and want to attend, sign up here. There’s a small registration fee of $6.66.
  • If you want to attend OMGRPNBBQ, sign up here.

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.