The Tampa Bay tech events mailing list

What’s this mailing list all about?

Every weekend, Tampa’s most connected techies, entrepreneurs, and nerds get their weekly update from the Tampa Bay tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events mailing list in their email, and you can too!

It’s a weekly list of events taking place in and around the Tampa Bay that appeal to techies, entrepreneurs, and nerds. It’s a free service provided by Global Nerdy (my “Tech in Tampa Bay” blog) to help keep Tampa Bay’s techies in the loop and to help grow the Tampa Bay tech scene, which happens to be the top small tech talent market in North America.

The mailing list is an extension of the weekly tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events posting that appears on Global Nerdy every Sunday. It includes events such as:

  • Tech events and meetups. This covers a wide array of topics, such as software development, programming languages, product/project management, agile processes, databases, UX and UI, design, DevOps, security, cryptocurrency, data science, and so on.
  • Entrepreneur and “side hustle” events and meetups. These are typically more business-oriented gatehrings that have some overlap with the tech space, or events that cover business-related discussions or lessons that might be useful for techies.
  • General nerd events. We’re talking board and role-playing games, science/fantasy genre-related stuff, anime (or course), and all those things that make up nerd culture.

There’s no cost to join, and aside from any major announcements that might arise, you’ll get only one email a week. I use as little contact information as possible, and I don’t sell it to anyone. This list is “all ham and no spam,” and its only purpose is to create an informed and active tech community here in Tampa Bay (which is where I live, work, and play, and that’s how I benefit from this list).

How to subscribe to the mailing list

Subscribing to the list is easy! Just enter the email address where you’d like to receive the weekly list below…

…and then click the button below…


…and that’s it!

How to unsubscribe from the mailing list

That’s also easy. Just click the “unsubscribe from this list” link at the bottom of any of the mailing list emails.