
All Your Reddit Are Belong to Conde Nast

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Over at TechCrunch, Michael Arrington reports that Reddit, the social bookmarking site that I think of as “Digg for the non-developmentally-delayed”, has been acquired by Conde Nast, publisher of Wired (as well as other fine publications such as The New Yorker, Vanity Fair and Cookie).

No price has been disclosed, but I think it's more than sufficient to say that my friend Aaron Swartz, one of the two people who joined the founders, should be able to take me out for a nice dinner the next time I see him. I see that Aaron's been keeping track of what they've written about the acquisition on his blog, and here's the article in Reddit's own blog in which they comment on the sale.

According to the TechCrunch article, Reddit will be left as a standalone site, but will probably have its links integrated into other Conde Nast properties. I hope that they don't ruin the Reddit experience; it's one of the must-check sites that I hit several times daily.
