
After a Month in Vista, This Pretty Much Sums Up My Feelings About Operating Systems

When I moved to my current position as Nerd Wrangler at b5media, I arrived to discover that the computer waiting for me was a Toshiba P200, a 17″ beast of a laptop that I’ve named “The Coffee Table”. This is the first time in about 5 years that I’ve worked with Windows as my primary operating system, and after a month in Vista, my feelings about operating systems are pretty much summarized by the picture below:

\"I\'m a Mac. I\'m UNIX. I\'m Vista.\"

More on my experiences in a later post.

[Image courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.]

When I moved to my current position as Nerd Wrangler at b5media, I arrived to discover that the computer waiting for me was a Toshiba P200, a 17″ beast of a laptop that I’ve named “The Coffee Table”. This is the first time in about 5 years that I’ve worked with Windows as my primary operating system, and after a month in Vista, my feelings about operating systems are pretty much summarized by the picture below:

\"I\'m a Mac. I\'m UNIX. I\'m Vista.\"

More on my experiences in a later post.

[Image courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.]

10 replies on “After a Month in Vista, This Pretty Much Sums Up My Feelings About Operating Systems”

@docm2b: Yeah, it’s a transition from using MacOS as my primary operating system. There are a lot of things that annoy me about the Toshiba, not all of which are Vista’s fault; there’s also the matter of missing good old familiar Unix command-line stuff. The DOS window just doesn’t cut it, and I’m still feeling my way around PowerShell.

Joey I understand your pain. The lack of familiarity is what is killing me. I’m finding that there are solutions they just aren’t the ones I’m familiar with, i.e., command line tools and bash scripts. And when a big chunk of your life is in ssh, sftp, bash and other tools it’s difficult to move.

There’s tools like:

* cygwin –
* PuTTY –
* WinSCP –

I’m finding that there are tools like Live Writer that I really appreciate. And I’ve pushed a lot of my life to the cloud. Other tools might as well be identical: Firefox 3.0b5 = same. IE8b1 is nice. Skype = same. Pidgin or Miranda for IM, they’re not Adium but they’re close enough.

I miss the shell support. And I miss Quicksilver.

But my salary is paid for by Microsoft. So I’m incented to at least try to like it.

Now I can’t wait for the follow up post.

While I don’t hate Vista, I certaily wouldn’t recommend it over XP. Not having using OS X much at all or Linux (tempting as it may be) I don’t know what I’m missing.

Maybe that’s a good thing.

I would agree with you (since I just left Microsoft and could easily start bashing Vista) but I won’t.

In my opinion (although it’s the unfavourable one) Vista is the Queen of the Pigs (all the OS’s pretty much suck, yes including Leopard, but Vista is the best of them).

Leopard crashes on my Macbook constantly, Boot Camp assistant doesn’t work two times in a row (try it. You have to reboot), opening 5-7 tabs in FF or Safari in Leopard basically hangs my 4 month old Macbook.

I don’t think Vista is great, but it actually works unlike Leopard in my opinion. How do you even see your wireless connection speed in Leopard?

I’ve used it all except for mac’s, winNT/win95/98/98se/winme/win2000/winxp/vista/win7 *windows 7 rocks*/slackware/redhat/mandrake/ubuntu. Can’t comment too much on mac’s.. I’ve been kinda against them. Although I have a iphone and like it alot, but for a PC my thoughts are now toward windows 7 and ubuntu. Ubuntu all the way for the power and the fact it’s free, and windows 7 for the fact the microsoft did something right for a change.

Vista has alot of memory issues, leaks etc. Windows 7 opened my eyes to microsoft, perphaps they got their crap together. Wonder if they offer refunds on the previous crappy O/S’s one shells out good coin for? ;)

Been running Windows 7 for 5 days now, and dropped vista. Most of all the devices had drivers installed after install except for the X-Fi sound card, but everything else was up and running. Zero issues and zero crashes… seems to run faster on the same hardware that vista was on and even faster on better equipment, my work has identified memory problems with vista and are in the process of switching. Loving the blog, cheers!

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