
Terminated, Part 9: The Great Computer Give-Away, Part 3 (HP 3.0 GHz Pentium IV Desktop and 19″ CRT)

One of the best ways to pull yourself up from a fall is to pull others up along with you. That’s why I’m giving away some old computers that have been gathering dust chez moi rather than selling them. The few hundred dollars I’d get by selling them are far outweighed by the good that getting them into the hands of people who really need those machines.

Here’s the latest computer in the Great Give-Away: a Pentium IV desktop with 19″ monitor:

HP Desktop and Samsung 19" CRT monitor

I picked it up in 2004 at Factory Direct: it’s a refurbished HP whose model number is unknown (Factory Direct likes to remove identifying markings from refurbs). My best guess, after doing some poking around is that it’s a Pavilion a375. Here are its specs:

  • Processor: 3.0 Ghz Pentium IV with Hyperthreading
  • RAM: 512 MB DDR
  • Hard Drive: 120 GB
  • Optical Drives: 16x CD/DVD+ reader/writer
  • Video Card: ATI Radeon 9800 (128MB)

The monitor is a Samsung SyncMaster 955DF, a decent 19″ CRT monitor. It may be big and bulky, but it does a decent job displaying graphics, and it’s free!

Closeup of front panel of HP desktop

The computer’s got some niceties, including these front-panel jacks for audio, FireWire and USB and media card slots:

Closeup of slots and jacks on the HP's front panel

There’s a brand-new power supply installed in the machine, but in order to accomodate the power requirements of the video card, something had to give. While the 3.5″ floppy drive is functional, it isn’t connected to the power.

Available for Free

That’s right — I’m giving it away this system to someone who really needs it. If you are someone who needs a free computer or know someone who does, tell me the story at I’d prefer it if you were in the Toronto area (just because it makes things easier). I’ll give the computer to the person or organization whom I deem needs it most.

6 replies on “Terminated, Part 9: The Great Computer Give-Away, Part 3 (HP 3.0 GHz Pentium IV Desktop and 19″ CRT)”

I have a computer similar to the one you have there and my sister has fried the motherboard on the computer,(the fan gave out and it fried it quite fast) i have been looking around for awhile now to find a motherboard simaler to use within my price limit to use without formating/loosing anything on my hard drive. right now im at school on their computers and me and my dad are looking forward to rebuilding the fried one now.

my name is jeremy brown, and i stumbled apon your page by accident, but since i am here i will tell you my story. the computer i have now is so slow. i found it on the road in lake charles, LA while working for a company doing the clean up after hurricane rita. i took it home and it worked( well it needed parts, but i made it work). it only has 1GB ram, and onboard graphics. the reason i need a new one is i am trying to get out of the construction business, and start on my own business, so i can further my education( go back to college). the problem is that the system i have will not run 3D studio max or auto cad because of the crappy system i have. a new(new to me) computer would open the door to a new time in life for me. well that is my story, hope you read it. even if i dont get it the fact that you are giving away something like that says alot about how selfless and nonmaterialistic you are. bless you.
sincerely yours,
jeremy brown

My girlfriend has a job that she has to work from home on due to no office space, she has to use her own computer and her computer literally went to hell, the graphics on it do not work and there is no spot to put in a new graphics card and it fried her motherboard. I am not able to get a job because of social security requirements, her work from home job is our only source of income and we really need a computer. even if its not this computer can you please help us out with this?

please my name is Johnson Boafo from Ghana west Africa ,please in our school we lack computer to boots our ICT Education , so please help as. thank u

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