
Byte Club Episode 1, Featuring b5media and a Prominent Ex-Employee

Byte Club logoIf you hang around the Accordion City software development scene, you’ll eventually meet Kristan “Krispy” Uccello. In addition to running his own software development shop, Krispy is also the scene’s unofficial vidoegrapher, capturing notable events like DemoCamp and Rubyfringe for posterity.

His latest project is Byte Club, an online video show that puts a spotlight on the local tech culture. Each episode features a Toronto tech company or nerd event and runs for about four to six minutes. I believe Krispy has plans to put a new video online each week.

The first episode went online last week and features my former place of work, b5media. The clips were shot back in the summer, back when I was still their Technical Project Manager. As one of the flashier, higher-profile, more telegenic and better-voiced employees, I got a fair chunk of screen time. In accordance with the Law of Conservation of Irony, the video got posted on the same day I announced my becoming Microsoft’s newest Developer Evangelist.

Here’s the video. It’s got some really good production values, so be sure to switch it to HD mode, watch it full screen and crank up your speakers or headphones:

Krispy says that he’s been working on the Byte Club project with LifeForce Entertainment for the last 6 months. They’re accepting offers from sponsors; if you’re interested in sponsoring Byte Club, please give Krispy a shout!

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