
How Fanboys See Operating Systems

how fanboys see operating systems

This article also appears in The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century.

46 replies on “How Fanboys See Operating Systems”

All the mac users are going to whine about unpleasing the mac stuff looks. Also a mac user would never use multiple monitor even if it increases the functionality of their machine. They would find the use of desk-space and the reduced selection of half focused desktop backgrounds to be unpalatable.

Freaking hilarious, and somewhat true.
I’m a Windows user and have nothing against Linux personally, I just don’t think it really is suited to the general home user. People like my parents have a hard enough time following a wizard that guides them through a setup. One of the better descriptions of Linux that I have heard is that it is like ordering a F1 car, only for it to turn up in boxes that you have to put together yourself and then when you finally do so you realize that there not many places that you could or would use it. I feel that Linux is best suited to embedded applications such as the Android OS. And its good that there is a free and open alternative to Windows and Mac, but it will never seriously compete in home use.
Macs on the other hand are over priced pieces of sh*t that are only used by either graphics designers (you know its true) and people who are clearly over-compensating (like the 50 somethings that drive around in a sports car).

“I feel that Linux is best suited to embedded applications such as the Android OS. ”

It is clear that you don’t have a fucking idea of what embedded system means. Applications and OS are too beyond your reach.

If something runs on any hardware that might reasonably be described as a ‘phone’, that counts as embedded in my book…


So damn true.

Depends on what I’m doing though into which box I fall :)

I work as a Windows developer by day, use it at home for gaming, have a Linux server as my home firewall and a MacBook Pro for its hardware, as well as 2 Cinema displays.

Funny thing though, my MacBook was reformatted and only runs Windows 7 / Linux.

OS X is the Fisher Price system!!!

I have used Windows.
I now use Ubuntu (Linux for the newbs)
Microsoft-0 Ubuntu-1

I plan on using Mac.
I use what ever works best for me.


@Not very accurate: I do have a mac and two monitors, but I don’t give a damn how my desk looks, it just has to function.

But according to the illustrations I am rather the Linux guy which resembles also in my use of OpenOffice, GIMP, Firefox and Thunderbird

@theEvilJohn. You must be kidding. Have you used an OS like Ubuntu lately or tried to install it? Piece of cake. My young daughter (now 11) has been running it since age 9, finds it no more difficult to use than Windows. She has dual-boot with Windows XP, but the only thing she boots into Windows for are certain games that don’t run on Linux. Everything else she does in Linux.

Sure Linux is great for embedded systems and servers but do not underestimate it’s ability to function as a desktop OS for the masses. Try installing Ubuntu 9.10 and a few common apps. I think you’ll find the most common complaints have been resolved. e.g. installing proprietary code like Flash, Video / Audio Codecs etc.

Heh…As I stated on my website when I posted this, I think I’d have to disagree slightly on the Linux/Mac fanboys part. As a Mac user a Winder$ user AND a Linux user, I think the Winder$ images are spot on for our groups however; I do see the the Mac version from Linux pretty much the same, but the Linux version from the Mac point of view I think is a little arcane. Yes, it can run on that, but I’ve got a few updated servers that are running it as well.

The picture with the kid that is supposed to symbolize the MAC experience is hilarious. I guess it makes sense because MAC is so simplistic; pretty much like a fun toy. Never tried Linux to be honest; I am a hardcore Windows user only.

@Norm “but the Linux version from the Mac point of view I think is a little arcane. Yes, it can run on that, but I’ve got a few updated servers that are running it as well.” — Uhm, I’ve tried with the most lightweight versions with linux in it and it may have trouble running even on that! You will need a 2.4.x kernel for that. Today not only 2.6.3x is the most recent not to talk about linux kernel version 3.0(nothing special, don’t try to hype it, it’s just like 2.6). Today you will need a recent computer to run linux on it. A computer from 2006 and later should do for Ubuntu Ocelot Ocean.

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