
Get Your Windows Phone 7 Apps Ready for Marketplace!

My laptop computer connected via USB to my Windows Phone 7 device, running "Kick-Ass App!"

Hey, Canadian mobile developers:

  • If you’ve got an idea for a Windows Phone 7 app, whether it’s brand new or a port of an existing mobile app, start working on it now!
  • If you’re working on a Windows Phone 7 app, get it ready for Marketplace, which will be accepting submissions soon!
  • If you haven’t even tried the Windows Phone 7 developer tools, download them and take them for a spin!

And finally, if you’re planning on submitting a Windows Phone 7 app to Marketplace, get in touch with me! I want to hear from you, help you through the process and help publicize your app. Just drop me a line – the email address is

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.