
Featured Shopify App: KikScore Trust Seal

Kikscore Online Trust Score

When money changes hands, trust is important. Today’s featured app, Kikscore Trust Seal, is an app that you can add to your Shopify shop that uses your data to show shoppers that your shop is trustworthy and shows your track record of reliability.

We talked to the people behind the Kikscore app and asked them about Kikscore Trust Seal: what it does, what its benefits are and why you might want to install Kikscore for your shop.

What does your app do?

Shopping cart, bogged down in a sand dune

The KikScore app helps enable small online businesses to sell more by providing website visitors information and data to demonstrate the reliability and trustworthiness of a business to shoppers.

Using KikScore’s Confidence Badge demonstrates that your store and business can be trusted by:

  • Helping you show your track record of reliability to shoppers;
  • Introducing your business, management and policies to website visitors;
  • Helping you demonstrate trustworthiness by sharing important business
    information; and
  • Giving shoppers more confidence that your business is trustworthy

Online merchants have seen as much as a 20% increase in conversions after adding the KikScore Confidence Badge to their website. Here are two shop owners who’ve seen more sales after adding the KikScore Confidence Badge: and

What are the key features of your app?

Key features of Kikscore: 1. Potential customer visits a new merchant's website. 2. Hovering over seal shows summary score. 3. Customer may view a detailed Kikreport. 4. Trust is improved via merchant transparency.

The KikScore app gives your business 4 different trust building tools – the data provided in each part of the tool allows your store to comprehensively show shoppers that your business can be trusted.

  1. Trust Score: Shows shoppers your business’ trustworthiness with your own personal, dynamic and easy-to-understand score.
  2. Confidence Badge: Displays an interactive seal directly on your website to show shoppers you can be trusted.
  3. KikReport: Provides your own dynamic merchant report card about your business, such as your management team, financial track record, policies, website information, certifications and physical location(s).
  4. Feedback Platform: Allows customers to provide feedback about your business.

Why should shop owners use your app?

These are the statistics:

  • 7 out of every 10 online shopping carts are abandoned;
  • 86% of shoppers feel more confident about buying on a shop with a trust mark; and
  • This all results in approximately $21 billion in lost sales.

Your small online shop needs to show website visitors that your business is trustworthy.

KikScore’s app allows you to use information and data about your own business, website, management and track record of reliability to demonstrate trust so you can sell more.  We empower your small business to take this information that is scattered around the internet and allow you to place it at the point of sale on your website.  The KikScore app gives your small business the ability to post a dynamic and interactive report card about your business on your site!

Business Insider and Smallbiz Technology logos

Recently major publications and blogs such as Business Insider and Small Business Technology have covered the significant benefits that the KikScore Confidence Badge brings to online merchants that are similar to your shop.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Raj Malik, CEO; Travis Valentine, CTO; Mike Collins, VP, Product

The founders of KikScore came together with the simple idea of creating a tool that would help small businesses struggling with customers feeling uneasy about online shopping. We combined our backgrounds in data analysis, risks assessments, ecommerce and small businesses to create a concept that allows online small businesses to take data and information and use it to show customers that they are trustworthy. Our passion in starting KikScore was to control our own futures and give something back to other entrepreneurs and small businesses out there.

Our team is located in Washington, DC and Denver, but we serve small businesses around the world. You can also find us on Twitter at @KikScore and @rajmalikdc and on Facebook here.  Our team is made up of veterans of the ecommerce, small business, data analysis and industries and includes Raj Malik, CEO, Travis Valentine, CEO and Mike Collins, VP Product.

Where did you get the idea for your app?

Some of us are married to small business owners.  One sells online and she was having the issue that she was facing a number of abandoned shopping carts when she first started selling online.  A group of us kicked around that there really is an issue with small businesses and online trust.  We all came from a small business, data scoring and ecommerce background.  So the team set out to create both an online trust score and a Confidence Badge for small businesses to use to deal with this issue.  That way we could help these small businesses have a better chance of showing shoppers that they could feel comfortable buying from their website.  It is a great feeling when we hear from our customers that their sales have increased after adding the KikScore Confidence Badge to their website.

How long did it take for you to build the app?

The development process was pretty straightforward and was led by our CTO, Travis Valentine.  In regards to people hours, we were able to develop the app in a relatively short period of time in around a month of labor hours.

Where can I find out more about Kikscore?

kikscore icon

You can find out more about the Kikscore Trust Seal app in the Shopify App Store, where you can also install it. Kikscore starts at $9.99/month and there’s a 15-day free trial period if you want to see it’s for you.

This article also appears in the Shopify Blog.