
Meanwhile, on Mobilize!…

Sampling of photos from Mobilize! articles

Here are the latest articles on Mobilize!, the blog of my company, CTS

  • Decommissioning BYOD Mobile Devices: When coming up with a BYOD policy, it’s all too easy to forget about what should happen when employees replace their old BYOD mobile devices. If they’re not careful, they could be leaving both personal and corporate information on the device. This article looks at some statistics on how often people replace their mobile devices and what they do with their old devices, and it also provides a simple four-step plan for decommissioning old BYOD phones and tablets.
  • Bring Your Own Anxiety (or: BYOD’s not as bad as some articles make it seem, plus BYOD advice): We’ve seen many BYOD articles with scary titles with phrases like “hidden dangers”, “security threats” and “BYOD kills kittens”, but is BYOD really that bad? We think that these sensationalistic titles are linkbait, and if you actually read the articles, they’ve got some solid, sane and sound advice.
  • BYOA (Bring Your Own Apps) by the Numbers: Not only are employees doing BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), they’re also doing BYOA (Bring Your Own Apps). A recent survey taken by Edge Strategies on behalf of LogMeIn in which 1,200 respondents from SMBs in North America, the UK, Australia and New Zealand shows some pretty interesting numbers.