
Like a Book Club, But For Toronto Developers Who Want to Learn How to Make iOS Games

learning cocos2d

NSCoderTO, a Toronto-based Mac/iOS coder group, is dedicating a series of book club meetups to Learning Cocos2D, an iOS game programming book written by Rod Strougo and Ray Wenderlich (the guy behind the ever-so-useful site). Between now and late April, they’re going to read and do the exercises in this book, meeting up 5 times during that period to discuss their progress and any issues encountered along the way. You can take a look at the full schedule to see when you should be reading and doing the exercises in each chapter and when the meetups will take place.

The first meetup takes place next Tuesday, February 12th at Ryerson University’s Hub Cafeteria and will cover chapters 1 through 4 of the book. I’ve got the book, and they’re relatively easy (chapter 1 is the obligatory intro and setup, chapter 2 is “Hello World”, chapters 3 and 4 cover animation and collision detection); you can get started on it today and be ready by the time the meetup comes around. I’ve signed up, and I might see you there!