
I’ll be the subject matter expert at this Pomeroy/InformationWeek/GSG webinar this Wednesday: “Uncovering the True Cost of Your Mobile Telecommunications”

pomeroy informationweek gsg webinarThis Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. EDT, we’ll be taking part in a webinar that our partner Pomeroy will be co-sponsoring with InformationWeek titled Uncovering the True Cost of Your Mobile Telecommunications, where we’ll talk about the cost of enterprise telecom and what you can do about it.

Here’s the abstract for the webinar:

The proliferation of mobile platforms and devices in the workplace has resulted in a dizzying array of carrier plans for organizations to track and manage. Telecom expense management tools intended to simplify administration have frustrated managers due to the time, resources and manual processes required. Expense management has become more difficult, and costs harder to control – an unsustainable situation given these costs are now the largest, fastest growing item in the IT budget.

Marty EzzoThe webinar will be hosted by Martin “Marty” Ezzo, Pomeroy’s Practice Director for Enterprise Mobility. Marty has more than 25 years of industry experience developing, communicating and executing corporate strategic vision. His wealth of experience in the Information Technology arena includes leading high-powered teams in the development, implementation and operation of large complex solutions in the area of IT Service Management, specializing in End-user Services, Systems Management, Data Center Operations, Enterprise Mobility and IT Outsourcing.

Joey deVillaGSG will provide additional subject matter expertise to the webinar in the form of Joey deVilla, GSG’s Platform Evangelist. He’ll provide additional information throughout the session, including industry analyst reports, a “state of the union” report on mobile technology in the workplace, GSG’s approach to managing mobile telecom expenses, and case studies of organizations who’ve used GSG’s telecom expense management solutions with great success.

The webinar is free to attend, and will take place this Wednesday, June 25th at 1:00 p.m. Eastern (10:00 a.m. Pacific, GMT-4). You do have to register to attend, and you can do so on InformationWeek’s webinar registration site.

this article also appears in the GSG blog