
Interviewed on John Biggs’ Technotopia podcast!


This morning, I got a message on Facebook Messenger from John Biggs:


I said “Yes” immediately, because as I said on Twitter:


Technotopia is Biggs’ weekly podcast about a bright future. Here are his own words about it:

Over the past few months I’ve been on a mission: I want to prove that the future is not going to suck. While this project was originally going to end up in a book – and it still will – I’ve started recording a weekly podcast called Technotopia in which I speak to amazing thinkers about the future. We’ve covered the environment, bitcoin, and why the future will be cafes and croissants.

Very soon after his message, we recorded the podcast in a single take, where I talked about my new job at SMARTRAC, the possibilities that RFID technology enables, growing up in the ’80s thinking you were born 20 years too soon while your friends thought they were born 20 years too late, accordion playing, and the sorts of things that you talk about when you love technology and want to use it to make a better future.

The podcast got posted today shortly after noon! Give it a listen using the player below, or subscribe to via the feed!