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Xamarin Dev Days in Tampa Bay happens tomorrow – Saturday, November 19th!


Xamarin, the development tool that lets you use C# to write code for Android, iOS, Mac OS, Windows, and the cloud, is hosting a number of Xamarin Dev Days events all over the world, and the Tampa Bay event takes place tomorrow, Saturday November 19th at 9:00 a.m..

The Tampa Bay event is hosted by the Tampa Bay Mobile App Developers meetup at the Tampa Microsoft office in the Westshore area. Xamarin Dev Days events are hands-on sessions, with the mornings dedicated to learning about Xamarin and the afternoon set for diving into coding.

Are you in the Tampa Bay area and want to join in? Register at the Tampa Bay Xamarin Dev Days site!


Here’s what will take place, and when:

 Time  What’s happening
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Registration and breakfast, which SMARTRAC and SMART COSMOS (the company and platform I represent) are providing!
9:30 a.m. – 10:10 a.m. “Intro to Xamarin” presentation
10:20 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. “Cross-platform Xamarin” presentation
11:10 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. “Cloud Xamarin” presentation
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch (they’ll provide it; it will most likely be pizza)
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Hands-on lab

Your hosts will be:

What you should bring


You’ll need a computer running either Mac OS or Windows on which to do Xamarin development. You should set up Xamarin prior to showing up, because setup takes time and bandwidth, which will likely be in short supply at the event. Follow these steps:

Breakfast is on SMART COSMOS!


If you’re going to show up to spent 8 hours of your Saturday in an office — especially in the Tampa Bay Area, where November means sunny skies and 80°F/27°C temperatures — the least we can do is feed you. SMART COSMOS will help by providing breakfast!

SMART COSMOS is the IoT platform made by SMARTRAC, the company where I hold the title of developer evangelist. It orchestrates data for the internet of things, and combined with SMARTRAC’s RFID technology, it’s being used to help clothing manufacturers and retailers manage their wares, improve the way healthcare providers track patients from the moment they check into the hospital to well after they check out, and on mechanical devices to ensure that the right parts are plugged into the right places.

New to C#, or has it been a while? Download this free book.


If you’re new to the C# programming language (I’ve quipped that it’s “like Java, but good”) or if it’s been a while (as is the case for me), I recommend getting your paws on Rob Miles’ C# Programming Yellow Book, a free ebook that he’s been publishing and updating for years. It’s based on the first year programming course at the University of Hull, and it’s been the free ebook I’ve been sending C# students to for years.