
A new incentive to land a job, pronto!

Finding myself in the same boat as 1 in 20 of my fellow Floridians, I’m doing  a couple of things:

  1. Working like mad to land a new job, and
  2. Applying to the State of Florida’s “Reemployment Assistance Program”. (I do like the positive-sounding name.)

The latter involves paying a visit to Connect, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s benefits site. Among the benefits you can get from visiting that site is a grand tour of late 20th century/early 21 century governmental website design, in all its Kafkaesque glory.

I kept getting stuck at one part of the process: the one where you provide a list of the prospective employers you contacted in a given week (you need to contact 5 to be eligible for benefits). For each prospect, you need to provide the usual contact info, including the URL of their website. The problem is that Connect doesn’t think that an URL is real unless preceded by a subdomain — in other words, it won’t accept, but will accept the functionally equivalent

I’ve got to hand it to this motherless, godforsaken site: I now have an additional incentive to land a job pronto.

One reply on “A new incentive to land a job, pronto!”

In Oregon, job seeking activities must not only be in your field of work but also your geographical location. So flying to Santa Clara CA doesn’t count as job seeking but filing a garbage application for a job with the wrong qualification does. Even the a city on the opposite side of Portland didn’t count.

OTOH, they didn’t validate any of the fields in the web form, they were freeform text boxes.

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