Current Events Tampa Bay

This Saturday: The Suncoast Developers Guild Conference — FREE and ONLINE!

Banner: Suncoast Developers Conference - Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Suncoast Developers Conference, a free online conference for developers organized by Suncoast Developers Guild, happens this Saturday, August 1st, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.! Register here to join in on the geeky fun.

The conference will be made of bite-size (15 minutes or shorter!) presentations by Tampa Bay techies and demos of capstone projects by Suncoast Developers Guild alums. Here’s the schedule, which is subject to update:

Time Presentation
10:00 a.m.
  • Opening ceremony
    (Suncoast Developers Guild)
  • Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!
    (Jason L Perry)
  • Will it Scale?
    (Robert Bieber)
11:00 a.m.
  • Demo: Smash Bros Combo
    (Kento Kawakami)
  • Your Friendly Neighborhood Type System
    (Dylan Sprague)
  • Demo: Evolution X
    (Cody Banks & Abtahee Ali)
  • The Rubber Duck Pal Program
    (Daniel Demerin)
12:00 p.m.
  • Furry Friends
    (Colter Lena)
  • Demo
    (Trent Costa)
  • Don’t Crash! CSS-Modules in React
    (Dylan Attal)
  • How to start your own Coding Podcast 101
    (Vincent Tang)
1:00 p.m.
  • Pull Requests, and the Developers Who Love Them
    (Michele Cynowicz)
  • Demo: Rollerblade Buyers Guide
    (Abe Eveland)
  • Post Bootcamp Reflections: Rebuilding my capstone in React Native
    (Liz Tiller)
  • Create games, visual novels, and fast food dating sims (and learn programming) with Ren’Py!
    (Joey deVilla)
2:00 p.m.
  • Demo
    (Rob Mack)
  • “You do belong here” and other affirmations and ways to beat imposter syndrome.
    (Michael Traverso)
  • A Taste Of Docs As Code
    (Kat Batuigas)

Once again, it’s free-as-in-beer (and not free-as-in-mattress) to attend, and all you need is an internet connection! Register here.

Since opening their doors in the summer of 2018, Suncoast Developers Guild’s coding school has graduated over 100 students, and before that, they taught people to code in their previous incarnation as the Tampa Bay branch of The Iron Yard.

In another life, I was a developer evangelist who travelled across North America and I saw tech scenes from Palo Alto to Peoria. I can tell you that one of the signs of a healthy tech community in a small- to medium-sized city is a coding school that acts as a social/technical/gathering place. If your city had one, things were looking up for local techies. If not, it was a safe bet that the place was experiencing a brain drain.

Here in Tampa Bay, Suncoast Developers Guild fills that vital role, and it does so spectacularly. They’re a key part of the heart and soul of tech in the area, and it shows in their efforts, such as events like this.

Thanks, Suncoast Developers Guild! I’ll see you on Saturday!