While checking LinkedIn this morning, I noticed that there were a lot of iOS and Android developer jobs in the Tampa Bay area, and many of them didn’t have any applicants (or at least any applicants who applied via LinkedIn).
I quickly cobbled the image above from screenshots of LinkedIn’s Jobs sections that I took this morning. If you know UIKit from SwiftUI or can tell your RecyclerViews from your ListViews and either live in Tampa Bay or want to move to our sunny shores, there’s a lot of opportunity right here, right now.
It’s nice work if you can get it
Want to know how much you can make as an Android developer? Here’s what ZipRecruiter has to say:

Here’s ZipRecruiter’s graph for iOS developers:

…and trust me on this one: If you can combine mobile development skills with people skills, you can make a little more.
Learn Android development with GDG SunCoast

We’ve got a GDG (Google Developer Group) right here in Tampa Bay — GDG SunCoast — and they host an Android Study Jam every Wednesday evening. It’s an online event that’s free of charge to attend, and they walk you through Google’s official Android/Kotlin tutorials. It’s a great place to get to know other locals with an interest in Android development, ask questions, and even win prizes!
GDG SunCoast’s next Android Study Jam happens on Wednesday, July 7 at 7:00 p.m..
I’m going to try and catch as many of these as I can. I hope to see you there!
Returning soon: The Programmers of Portables meetup!

A few years back, I started the Tampa iOS Meetup with Angela Don, and over time, it mutated into Programmers of Portables.
The pandemic, my job search, and a lot of work at Auth0 have kept me from holding a meetup in some time, but I’m already working on plans to bring it back. Watch this space, and get ready to learn iOS, Android, and IoT development tricks!

Speaking of Auth0…
Keep an eye on the Auth0 developer blog, where I’m one of the editors. I’m working on a lot of articles about mobile and Python development, and you’ll start seeing them there soon!
One reply on “So many Tampa Bay mobile dev job openings, so few applicants”
[…] So many Tampa Bay mobile dev job openings, so few applicants — While checking LinkedIn earlier this week, I noticed that there were a lot of iOS and Android developer jobs in the Tampa Bay area, and many of them didn’t have any applicants (or at least any applicants who applied via LinkedIn). […]