
Take Internet Explorer 9 for a Test Drive!

imageEver since joining The Empire a year and a half ago, I’ve been asking all over within its ranks to anyone who’d listen: “When are we going to put out a better browser? IE8 is a step in the right direction, but it’s just a step.”

The good news is that Internet Explorer 9 is in the works, and it’s several more steps in the right direction. Among those right steps:

  • New JavaScript engine! Uses modern hardware.
  • Standard markup works! HTML5, CSS3, SVG…
  • GPU-accelerated rendering.
  • In the works, but running right now: hardware-accelerated HTML5 video and more

Want to take IE9 for a spin? You can with the IE9 Preview. It’s not a full browser, but rather the IE9 engine put into a simple frame with development tools so you can see for yourself if the upcoming changes are for real.

The IE9 preview site also features a suite of tests so you can compare how it stack up against other browsers. The tests fall into three categories:

  1. Speed Tests: See how IE9’s background JIT-compiled JavaScript performs.
  2. HTML5 Demos: How compliant is IE9? See for yourself!
  3. Graphics Demos: See GPU-powered HTML5 in action!

Here’s a quick taste of the tests. Here’s a screen capture of the “Flying Images” test running on my laptop in Chrome. Note the framerate:


And here it is in the IE9 preview. Once again, note the framerate:


64 fps versus 2. Nice!

Get the IE9 preview and see for yourself – and if you like, let me know what you think in the comments!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.


Sneak Peek at the Next “Upwardly Mobile”

Yes, I’m working on another tutorial on Windows Mobile 6 development. It’s on some of the standard user interface controls – here’s a preview:


I do try to make my example apps entertaining…