
“I’m Comic Sans, Asshole!”

"I'm Comic Sans, Asshole" -- John Marston from Red Dead Redemption pointing a gun

That most hated of typefaces, Comic Sans, gets anthropomorphized and bad-assified in Mike Lacher’s piece for McSweeney’s titled, (in)appropriately enough, I’m Comic Sans, Asshole.

This article also appears in The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century.


Great Free Fonts via Smashing Magazine: Anivers, Fresco and Gentium

Smashing Magazine’s “Free Fonts of the Month” for this particular month are really, really, really, good. Grab ’em while they’re still up!

Here’s a sample of Anivers, a font created for Smashing Magazine’s first anniversary. It’s been updated for “extended language support, improved glyph shapes and improved metrics and kerning.” Note that only Anivers Regular is free:

Anivers font sample

Here’s Fresco Semi Bold, “just one member of a large and flexible type family by Dutch design legend Fred Smeijers:”

Fresco font sample

And finally, Gentium, designed by Victor Gaultney:

Gentium font sample