
Counting Down to Seven: The Most Active Mobile Social Networkers Are…

Welcome to another installment of Counting Down to Seven, a series of articles about mobile app development that I’m writing as we count down the days to MIX10, when we reveal more about the up-and-coming Windows Phone 7 Series.

"Counting Down to Seven" badgeA report from Nielsen – as in the ratings company that got their start with television – says that women use mobile devices for social networking more than men do and that the lion’s share of mobile social networking isn’t done by Millennials (see the previous article in this series).

First, the women: 55% of the people in their study who said that they use social networking software and sites on their mobile phone were women, while the remaining 45% were men:


Second, age: according to Nielsen’s study, the age group who used their mobile devices to social network the most were between the ages of 35 and 54, closely followed by the 25 – 34 group.


More stuff to consider as you think of applications to build for Windows Phone 7: what are you writing for women between the ages of 25 to 54?

This article appears in Canadian Developer Connection.

2 replies on “Counting Down to Seven: The Most Active Mobile Social Networkers Are…”

A cooking app to help them stay in the kitchen where they belong!

Yes, I’m kidding but a cooking app wouldn’t be a bad idea lol.

If you’re writing a gourmet/high-end cooking app, I wouldn’t target (only) women.

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