Conferences Meetups What I’m Up To

Laid off in 2024, part 7: Join me on “Surviving a Layoff” this Wednesday!

Join me this Wednesday at 10 a.m. EST on the Surviving a Layoff LinkedIn audio event, which will be hosted by Suzanne Ricci, founder of Computer Coach!

Most shows and podcasts that do a story about layoffs feature stories, advice, and survival tips and tricks from guest speakers who still have their jobs.

This show will be different. It will feature stories, advice, and survival tips and tricks from a guest speaker who’s actually laid off right now — me! I’m in the thick of it, like Jim Cantore, but for layoffs instead of hurricanes! Hopefully, the podcast equivalent of being hit by a wind-driven tree branch won’t happen to me:

Also, you don’t have to just listen. LinkedIn audio events are like Clubhouse rooms (remember Clubhouse?); you can click the “raise your hand” button and request to be “brought onstage,” where you can join the conversation. So please — join us!

👩🏼‍💻 Click here to register for and join the audio event!

Also in this series…