
iOS Fortnightly Tutorial: A Simple Weather App, Part 2

sorry were busyI know, I know, it’s been over a fortnight since I last post a tutorial. Things have been a little bit crazy at work, but I plan to hope to use the next couple of days to get caught up, and then post a new tutorial next week.

In the last installment, I posted another installment of my iOS development tutorial series, iOS Fortnightly: SimpleWeather, a simple weather app that made use of the AFNetworking library to fetch the current weather conditions for any given city from Open Weather Map. If you’d followed the tutorial to the end, you’d have an app that looks like this when immediately after you launch it:

…and here’s what it looks like when displaying the current weather:

It’s nowhere near ready for the App Store, but in a few lines of code, it accomplishes a fair bit. If you’re new to Objective-C, it also covers some unfamiliar territory. This week’s set of articles will expand on the Simple Weather app. In this one, I’ll explain those parts of the code that might not be familiar to the novice iOS developer, namely Objective-C’s blocks and properties.

JSON Requests in AFNetworking

AFNetworking logoThe meat of the SimpleWeather app is in the Weather class’ getCurrent: method. It makes the call to Open Weather Map’s API, and it does so with this line:

AFJSONRequestOperation *operation =
[AFJSONRequestOperation JSONRequestOperationWithRequest:weatherRequest
    success:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, id JSON) {
        weatherServiceResponse = (NSDictionary *)JSON;
        [self parseWeatherServiceResponse];
    failure:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error, id JSON) {
        weatherServiceResponse = @{};

AFJSONRequestOperation is a class in the AFNetworking library for requesting and retrieving JSON data from a given URL. It has a single method, a class method called JSONRequestOperationWithRequest:success:failure:. Here’s what its declaration looks like:

+ (AFJSONRequestOperation *)JSONRequestOperationWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)urlRequest 
    success:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLRequest *request, NSURLResponse *response, id JSON ))success
    failure:(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLRequest *request, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error , id JSON ))failure

JSONRequestOperationWithRequest:success:failure: is a method that makes a request for some JSON from a given URL and:

  • Does something if the requested JSON was successfully received
  • Does something else if the requested JSON was not successfully received

Here are the method’s parameters:

Parameter Name Description
urlRequest A NSURLRequest object representing our request for the current weather from Open Weather Map.
success A function that should be executed if the operation was a success, meaning that the requested JSON object was successfully retrieved.
failure A function that should be executed if the operation was a failure. This could mean that requested JSON object was not successfully retrieved, or that it was successfully retrieved, but couldn’t be parsed as JSON.

The urlRequest argument is pretty straightforward, but the success and failure arguments look more complicated. They’re block literals, and to talk about them, we need to talk about blocks.

A Very Quick Intro to Objective-C’s Blocks

If you’re reasonably well-versed in JavaScript, it’s quite likely that you’re familiar with anonymous functions. Here’s a quick and dirty example: an anonymous function that takes two numbers and returns their sum, stored inside a variable named doSomething:

var doSomething = function(firstNumber, secondNumber)
  return firstNumber + secondNumber;
alert(doSomething(2, 3));

In Ruby, there are a couple of types of anonymous functions: procs and blocks. Procs are the anonymous function type that you can bind to a local variable, which is close to the spirit of anonymous functions in JavaScript and Objective-C. Here’s the Ruby version of the anonymous function from the example above:

doSomething = {|firstNumber, secondNumber| firstNumber + secondNumber}
puts, 3)

And now, the Objective-C version:

int(^doSomething)(int, int) = ^(int firstNumber, int secondNumber) {
        return firstNumber + secondNumber;
NSLog(@"%d", doSomething(2, 3));

It’s not all that different from the JavaScript and Ruby versions; it’s just that Objective-C requires explicit type information. Let’s take a look at the left side of the assignment first:

int(^doSomething)(int, int)

Here’s where cdecl comes in handy. It’s a site that translates declarations and casts from “C gibberish to English” and vice versa, comes in quite handy.

Enter int(^doSomething)(int, int) into cdecl. cdecl will translate it as “declare doSomething as block (int, int) returning int“. This in turn can be interpreted as “doSomething is a variable containing an anonymous function that takes two ints and returns an int“.

Now let’s look at the right side of the assignment:

^(int firstNumber, int secondNumber) {
        return firstNumber + secondNumber;

With the exception of the ^ character in front of the parameters, it looks like a like a standard function definition.

JSONRequestOperationWithRequest‘s Block Parameters, success and failure

Let’s look at JSONRequestOperationWithRequest‘s success parameter, which expects a block that should be executed if the JSON request operation is a success. Here’s its type:

(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLRequest *request, NSURLResponse *response, id JSON ))

This means that it expects a function that expects three parameters of type NSURLRequest *, NSURLResponse *, and id, and doesn’t return anything. Here’s what we’ll pass to it:

^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, id JSON) {
    weatherServiceResponse = (NSDictionary *)JSON;
    [self parseWeatherServiceResponse];

It does two things:

  • It takes the retrieved JSON, casts it to NSDictionary *, and stores it in the instance variable (or, as they like to say in Objective-C, ivar) weatherServiceResponse. Note that the block “knows” about weatherServiceResponse
  • It calls the method parseWeatherServiceResponse, which extracts the data from the JSON retrieved from Open Weather Map and puts them into the instance variables behind the class’ properties.

Let’s now look at JSONRequestOperationWithRequest‘s failure parameter, which expects a block that should be executed if the JSON request operation is a failure. Here’s its type:

(void ( ^ ) ( NSURLRequest *request, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error , id JSON ))

This means that it expects a function that expects four parameters of type NSURLRequest *, NSURLResponse *, NSError * and id, and doesn’t return anything. Here’s what we’ll pass to it:

^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error, id JSON) {
    weatherServiceResponse = @{};

Right now, we’re not worrying about what to do in the event of a failure, so for the moment, the failure block simply sets weatherServiceResponse to be an empty dictionary.

A Quick Look at Objective-C’s Properties and the Invisible Goodies that Come with Them

Consider the first line in the parseWeatherServiceResponse method:

_cloudCover = [weatherServiceResponse[@"clouds"][@"all"] integerValue];

If you look around the class, you’ll find that the variable _cloudCover hasn’t been declared anywhere. Yet Xcode hasn’t thrown up any error messages, and it colour-codes it as it would any declared variable. What’s going on here?

It turns out that there’s a little behind-the-scenes magic that takes place whenever a @property is declared. If you look in Weather.h, you’ll see this declaration:

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger cloudCover;

Implicit in this declaration is this corresponding line in the class’ .m file:

@synthesize cloudCover = _cloudCover;

This line doesn’t actually appear in the .m file, but it’s effectively there thanks to a little compiler magic. @synthesize itself does its own magic; it creates an invisible corresponding instance variable and invisible “getter” and “setter” methods. Implicit in the line above is this instance variable declaration:

NSInteger _cloudCover;

and these methods:

- (NSInteger)cloudCover {
    return _cloudCover;

- (void)setCloudCover:(BOOL)newValue {
    _cloudCover = newValue;

Property and ivar Order

Speaking of properties and ivars, take a look at the order of the ivars in parseWeatherServiceResponse, which lives in Weather.m:

- (void)parseWeatherServiceResponse
// clouds
_cloudCover = [weatherServiceResponse[@"clouds"][@"all"] integerValue];

// coord
_latitude = [weatherServiceResponse[@"coord"][@"lat"] doubleValue];
_longitude = [weatherServiceResponse[@"coord"][@"lon"] doubleValue];

// dt
_reportTime = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[weatherServiceResponse[@"dt"] doubleValue]];

// main
_humidity = [weatherServiceResponse[@"main"][@"humidity"] integerValue];
_pressure = [weatherServiceResponse[@"main"][@"pressure"] integerValue];
_tempCurrent = [Weather kelvinToCelsius:[weatherServiceResponse[@"main"][@"temp"] doubleValue]];
_tempMin = [Weather kelvinToCelsius:[weatherServiceResponse[@"main"][@"temp_min"] doubleValue]];
_tempMax = [Weather kelvinToCelsius:[weatherServiceResponse[@"main"][@"temp_max"] doubleValue]];

// name
_city = weatherServiceResponse[@"name"];

// rain
_rain3hours = [weatherServiceResponse[@"rain"][@"3h"] integerValue];

// snow
_snow3hours = [weatherServiceResponse[@"snow"][@"3h"] integerValue];

// sys
_country = weatherServiceResponse[@"sys"][@"country"];
_sunrise = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[weatherServiceResponse[@"sys"][@"sunrise"] doubleValue]];
_sunset = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[weatherServiceResponse[@"sys"][@"sunset"] doubleValue]];

// weather
_conditions = weatherServiceResponse[@"weather"];

// wind
_windDirection = [weatherServiceResponse[@"wind"][@"dir"] integerValue];
_windSpeed = [weatherServiceResponse[@"wind"][@"speed"] doubleValue];

In this method, I’m extracting data from the JSON objects returned by Open Weather Map, so they’re ordered from that perspective: by the keys of the top-level dictionaries in alphabetical order: clouds, coord, dt, main, name, rain, snow, sys, weather, wind. Those dictionaries’ elements are also listed in alphabetical order by key. The idea is to make things easy to find when programming with Open Weather Map’s API in mind.

The order of the corresponding @properties exposed in Weather.h is different. Here, I also want things to be easy to find, but I also want to abstract away any details about the format in which Open Weather Map returns its info. Instead, I want an order that’s useful for when you just want the weather, so I’ve used comments to break the properties into three groups: place and time, qualitative, and quantitative.

// Properties
// ==========

// Place and time
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *city;
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *country;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat latitude;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat longitude;
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSDate *reportTime;
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSDate *sunrise;
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSDate *sunset;

// Qualitative
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSArray *conditions;

// Quantitative
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger cloudCover;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger humidity;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger pressure;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger rain3hours;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger snow3hours;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat tempCurrent;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat tempMin;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat tempMax;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger windDirection;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGFloat windSpeed;

As with the ordering in parseWeatherServiceResponse, the objective is to make things easy to read and find, but this time, I’m doing so not from the perspective of a programmer trying to get data from the Open Weather Map API, but a programmer trying to get data from an instance of the Weather class.

Previous Installments in the iOS Fortnightly Series

In case you missed them, here’s a list of the previous articles in this series:


Windows Phone-a-Palooza [Updated]

Update: Please note the changes to the Toronto-area deployment clinic locations!

The "Windows Phone Canada" LinkedIn Group

"I [Canada] Windows Phone" logo

If you’re not a member of LinkedIn, the social networking site for professionals, you should join it now! It’s a great place to keep in touch with your network of working peers, post and maintain your resume, find people in your industry and be found yourself, and take part in professional discussions in LinkedIn groups.

Once you’re a member of LinkedIn, you should join the Windows Phone Canada group. It’ll have links to the latest Windows Phone articles, host discussions about all aspects of Windows Phone development, from coming up with ideas for apps to writing them to selling them in Marketplace. You’ll also get to network with Windows Phone developers across Canada, and as I’ll tell you over and over, that’s where opportunities are born.

Join the WP7 discussion – join the Windows Phone Canada LinkedIn group!

Windows Phone Deployment Clinics

7 LG Windows Phone 7 phones charging

Pictured above: some of the phones we’ll be using in our deployment clinics.

Anyone who’s built apps and tried them out on an emulator and then deployed to the real thing will know what Jan van de Snepscheut was talking about when he said “In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.”

To support you in your WP7 development and help you make the leap from theory to practice, we’re starting our deployment clinics this week! It’s your chance to deploy your app to a real WP7 phone and see how it works. This week’s are being held in:

There are also some events being planned for next week:

(I’m working on Toronto dates for next week…watch this blog!)

We’re working on ways to hold deployment clinics in as many places across Canada, as often as our schedules and pool of phones will allow. For those of you out west, we’re working on getting clinics out your way – watch this space!

Windows Phone Bootcamps

Photo of Windows Phone 7 bootcamp Montreal attendees sitting at a boardroom tableDevTeach’s Windows Phone 7 Bootcamp – a four-city, two-day, hands-on intensive training course taught by Colin Melia – started off quite nicely last week in Montreal (pictured left).

This week, the Bootcamp comes to Vancouver on Monday and Tuesday (August 30 – 31) and Ottawa on Thursday and Friday (September 2 – 3).

Next week, Yours Truly sits in on the Toronto Bootcamp, which happens next Tuesday and Wednesday (September 7 – 8).

Want to sign up for the Bootcamp? Register here, and save $100 when you use the discount code WP7BOOTCAMP.

Windows Phone Training and Deployment Clinics at TechDays

"Microsoft TechDays 2010" logoTechDays, our cross-Canada conference on how to make the most of Microsoft’s tools and technologies, is just over two weeks away, starting with TechDays Vancouver on September 14th and 15th. We’ve got two 65-minute breakout sessions on Windows Phone app development being presented by Windows Phone MVP Mark Arteaga and a half-hour “Turbo Talk” by Windows Phone MVP Anthony Bartolo on distributing your apps through the Marketplace. To find out more about TechDays, visit the TechDays site.

We’ll be running deployment clinics in the TechDays cities when we’re there (those cities, in order: Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Halifax, Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, Calgary), in the TechDays lounge, as well as outside the conference. Watch this blog for details!

Windows Phone Training for Students at Go DevMENTAL

"Go DevMENTAL" logoJust as TechDays is a cross-Canada tour for working developers and IT pros, Go DevMENTAL is a cross-Canada tour for post-secondary students who’d like to learn more about the coolest apps and platforms, get connected with people in the software industry and get help in pursing a career. To find out more about Go DevMENTAL, check out the Go DevMENTAL site.

One of Go DevMENTAL’s tracks is dedicated to creating Windows Phone apps. It’ll have two sessions: one on building Silverlight apps for WP7; the other on building XNA-based games for WP7.

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.


Now in Beta: Windows Phone Developer Tools!

Devvin' for Seven: Windows Phone 7 DevelopmentThe announcement went out earlier today: the Windows Phone Developer Tools have moved from the CTP ("Community Technical Preview”) phase to Beta (“Almost There!”). As Brandon Watson wrote in the Windows Phone Developer Blog, “This Beta release represents the near final version of the tools for building applications and games for Windows Phone 7.”

Go ahead, go and download it! Click the big graphic link below. You know you want to.

click here to download wp7 developer tools beta

Make sure you uninstall previous versions of Windows Phone Developer Tools before you install the beta.

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.


I’m Bringing Hexy Back (or: Programming Articles Will Return to Global Nerdy)


A wrench jamming a machine Soon – probably in December – in addition to pointing you to interesting tech news articles and bits of geek culture, I will also be returning to writing development articles. And yes, that includes the long-on-hiatus Enumerating Enumerable series of articles cataloguing the methods in Ruby’s Enumerable module.

The past couple of months have been disruptive as all Hell, what with:

And now,

  • Working like mad to acclimate myself with a new employer — my first Fortune 500 company, and my first with over 200 employees!)
  • Readjusting to a new work style: working largely from home, with runs out into “the field” and the Mississauga and downtown Toronto offices
  • Re-acclimating myself with Microsoft development tools, which I haven’t used since early 2002

It’s been exciting and fun, but there are only so many hours in the day and so much energy one can muster to do things, which meant that the programming articles, which take a lot of work, testing and verifying, had to fall by the wayside. But they’re coming back soon.

Country First

Joey deVilla poses with a Mountie outside the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC
Me and a Mountie at the Canadian Embassy
in Washington, DC in 2000,
a.k.a. the “experimenting with nutty hair colour” year.

“We hired you first and foremost for Canada,” said my boss, John Oxley, Director – Audience Marketing at Microsoft Canada, “and for Microsoft second.”

That means that while I’ll be writing a lot about Microsoft developer tools and technologies, my primary goal as Microsoft Developer Evangelist is to use my tech evangelism powers to encourage, assist, grow and cast a spotlight on the Canadian software industry. I get it; a healthy Canadian software ecosystem is good for all players, including “The Empire”.

If you’re a software developer in Canada, whether you’re writing enterprise software for a big corporation or a one-person shop operating out of your den, a full-time employee or a student in high school, or a Microsoft tech “true believer” or a hardcore Free Software/Open Source type, you are the person I’m trying to reach.

So if you’re a developer, watch this space – some meaty development articles are coming soon!

Uncategorized Now Open!

Humorous diagram showing how photos get into Flickr.

The folks at Flickr have announced the opening of, which bills itself as “Your one-stop shop for information, gossip and discussion with the Flickr developer community”. Among other things, you’ll find the Flickr DevBlog, browse their open source code either via the ticket tracker or their public SVN repository, hack the Uploadr, and discuss the Flickr API in the forums.